Saturday, October 25, 2008

The last reflection

Dear all,

When I stepped in to MK1 on the first day of class for "Technology in ESL Classroom", I never thought I would enjoy the class as much. I always feel that there is not much to gain from this course. I thought that the most that could be included in classrooms would be Power Point Presentation, download a few videos and use them in classrooms or play some audio files for their listening skills.

To produce a video clip, an IWB exercise and to record audio files have never occurred to me. Although deep down in my heart, I always envied those that were able to produce beautiful and creative video clips, which are mostly about their life. It was only an eagerness to learn at that moment which soon would be forgotten and move on to other things which I felt is more significant.

When it is made compulsory in the course and we MUST learn this skill in order to produce the video for evaluation, I learnt and realised it was not that difficult after all. I was even able to teach my other friends who would want to use videos for their assignments.

Additionally, it was undeniable that although downloading video clips will be easier, it will be better to produce one of our own because we are able to suit the content of the video according to our students' needs.

It is indeed easier said than done. A lot of teachers out there were I SUPPOSE very energetic and innovative in creating their lesson plans at first when they started to teach but the enthusiasm soon faded after they taught year in, year out. On the contrary, of course there are some who has the passion to teach till the day they retire and the "burning flame" to teach did not die. These teachers touched millions of heart and made an impact in their lives.

I would yearn to be one!


FaIzAH said...

yes, connie. i agree with you that this course has open up my mind about using teaching aid like video in classroom which i never experienced during my school years.
well, i think using video is one of the effective teaching aids suitable to be used in classroom. however, it would be better if the teacher could create the video on her own that will suit her pupils' level and be more creative.
it is true that most teachers become less enthusiastic about designing interesting activities during T-L as they have been working for years.nonetheless, i feel it is a waste if we do not apply what we have learned in University Malaya when we are teaching one,let us keep our enthusiasm in teaching as bright ever and never faded when we are teaching later.

FaIzAH said...

yes, connie. i agree with you that this course has open up my mind about using teaching aid like video in classroom which i never experienced during my school years.
well, i think using video is one of the effective teaching aids suitable to be used in classroom. however, it would be better if the teacher could create the video on her own that will suit her pupils' level and be more creative.
it is true that most teachers become less enthusiastic about designing interesting activities during T-L as they have been working for years.nonetheless, i feel it is a waste if we do not apply what we have learned in University Malaya when we are teaching one,let us keep our enthusiasm in teaching as bright ever and never faded when we are teaching later.